War Child & Scania - A story of cooperation
Scania and War Child started their cooperation with the mentorship programme, TOGETHER. TOGETHER is a collaboration between War Child, Scania and Södertälje municipality. Scroll down to read more about the project and how you can get involved.
Scania encourages and assists employees to volunteer for TOGETHER and many other Social Impact initiatives.
Support War Child’s work and cooperation with Scania, either by becoming a mentor, or contributing financially to War Childs international work with children in conflict situations. War Child’s international work is financed by governments, companies and individuals such as you, and all amounts are welcome. Donations from private persons, companies and governments finance our work.
Donate to our work
Bank account name Insamlingsstiftelsen War Child
SWISH 900 55 47 (write "SCANIA")
Bankgiro (BG) 900-5547
IBAN SE21 6000 0000 0004 1404 3111
Want to know more about TOGETHER?
The goal of TOGETHER is for young people to be strengthened, become more confident and get tools to create a good future. The mentoring programme uses a strengths-based approach, focusing on the interests and desires of the young person themselves, and the assets available in the young person's environment. The aim of the activities is to create a sense of community, have fun and practice co-operation and communication.
Scania encourages and assists employees to volunteer for this project. These projects are such a fantastic way to broaden your social network and skills. You learn to become more inclusive as you interact with individuals with other backgrounds and perspectives. Therefore, as well as helping individuals and society, it can be a rewarding experience for you too.

How can I sign up to be a mentor for next Together?
Do you want to make a difference for a young person while gaining new experiences and getting to know new people? Then you should become a mentor in Together!
TOGETHER will start again in the spring of 2025 and then run weekly during the spring. Exact dates will be added soon. In total, we will meet on nine occasions.
Practical info
Programme to be announced closer to the start date. The meetings will be held on Tuesdays between 15.00 and 17.00. We will be located at Hälsocenter Gröndal in Tveta. To become a mentor, it is mandatory to attend the training held by War Child at Gröndal. Dates to come.
Applications open in early 2025. For questions or pre-applications, email the coordinator Siar Eskanderzadeh.